IgorPetruk 3 months ago


I am finally ready to share this with the community. I was using a lot of excellent status bars in the past and usually extended them a lot with custom information. However I realised existing options missed something that was important to me, either in features or ways how extensibility is done. That’s why I started this project to see if I can develop the concept I had in mind. I basically wanted a simple Unix-way built around text+pipes the way it is done in i3bar+i3blocks, but with much richer control and selection widgets, beyond simple script to text. I wanted simple shell scripts controlling progress bars, selectors, even images. Configuration language flexible enough to build menus, even if they are not first class features.

The bar basically let's you connect your script to a variable which can be used to control all widget aspects dynamically, colors, fonts, edges, backgrounds, full Pango markup, visibility, etc. You can even draw your own images to files and display them on the bar.

More on oatbar.app and in the repo https://github.com/igor-petruk/oatbar

Testing welcome, I had only tested on a limited number of OS/WM. More importantly, please tell me what you think of the configuration language, if the idea is viable and what we can improve there. Throw in your ideas. This is the first release, so we can change many things and experiment on the concept.

Thanks. Igor.