hn8726 6 hours ago

This looks actually useful. It pains me to no end how there's no real, useful integration with an IDE like IntelliJ. Most AI plugins/tool implement a chat, autocomplete, and maybe some actions like explaining bits of code.

Cursor is going the right way — suggesting caret movements, or editing relevant parts of the file automatically. But it's a completely separate app, based on VSCode, and it just doesn't cut it for working with Java.

I'd pay serious money for an IJ plugin that actually helps me — monitors warnings and proactively suggests fixes, performs edits on relevant bits of code elsewhere after I make a change, or integrates with refactoring tools. I'm sure the possibilities are endless, yet even Jetbrains' own plugin is incredibly basic

replwoacause 8 hours ago

Aider looks awesome. I continue seeing good things about it but I’ve only used Cline and have been very impressed. Does Aider do something similar? Is it different or better somehow?

  • hboon 6 hours ago

    I have been using Aider for a while but not Cline. It looks like Cline has more functionality but I am have been pretty satisfied with Aider. I like the simplicity. I use Neovim instead of VS Code, so couldn't quite get into Cursor.

    You originally/usually run Aider from the cli, but with this new feature, you can insert instructions and notes into the code as comments which will be acted on. This is similar to Cursor's select code+Cmd K.

thomascountz 5 hours ago

Are people using Aider alongside using Zed's Assistant? What are your workflows?