Show HN: Decision Chess – A chess variant where players play on the same turn

2 points by drekkenz 11 hours ago

Feel free to join the discord, link on the home page. I recommend just going through the intro and special lessons to learn the rules. I've had reports the game doesn't load on Mac and I can't debug it, otherwise give the game maybe 10 seconds to load. The site is best viewed on desktop. You can do things like chat, spectate live games, play from a custom position, play timed modes with increments, or sign up for an account for ranked games and tracking games in your profile. The AI for the variant is not very good and is essentially random as I didn't have a good idea on how to implement it efficiently so I recommend playing against someone else. There might be some bugs. I made some subvariants for fun but am unsure if they're any fun to play and might tweak them if the site catches on. Any feedback is welcome!